Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day Eleven - Working hard...

I swear I'll make this short. For two reasons:

1) I'm working my ass off still trying to get all this work done. I was up till 4.30am this morning, and it is now 12.30am the next day and I've still got lots to do. French exam at 4pm that I've got to study for, but more bloody marketing before then... Lookin forward to the end of Wednesday when everything is over except for the three finals.
2) My blog challenger (can you call her that?) Marci did one post the other day that was garbage haha. She just stole two of my statuses about the snow in Canada, put some words in between, and hey presto, copyright infringement! So I think I deserve to take a break :P Check out her blog at www.spreadingsouthafricancharm.blogspot.com
(although after having finished typing this now, it is still a decent-lengthed post)

So, today I applied for a job at Doolittles, the on-campus convenience store for all your very basic food, drink, hygiene, lolly and ice-cream needs. There were apparently about 100 people who took application forms, so I've tried to stand out by highlighting my friendly and fun Aussie nature. I don't think half of everyone would actually hand in the resume anyway... But yeah, the job would seriously be a great way to meet new people and experience working in a Canadian environment, and would also help to slow down (and even possibly recover?) all the money I've been spending since I've been here. Remember, I've still got another semester and a roadtrip left! Plus I want to buy a new MacBook while i'm here...

But the best news of all was that I received a care package from my lovely family back home... In it was all I needed: Starburst lollies!!! Four packets of them. I've almost finished one, in half a day. I live on the stuff back home, and had missed it so so much... So, quick shout out to Mum, Dad and Andrew: Thankyou heaps!!!!!

Finally, I did my Marketing Communications final exam this evening. Only 2.5hrs of study, and I was in and out within an hour... I reckon I'll get at least 80%. I don't know how I keep getting away with it.

Alright, I'm gonna stop procrastinating... time to do more work for my other marketing subject. I'm so sick of it.

Take care,



  1. So glad the lollies were put to good use!!!

  2. Jonathon! Stopped by your blog (yes! after your posting spree it most definately has earned this applauded title) today and was positively SHAM-WOWED to see it updated! Consecutive times! Yay for marci and the spirit of competition and fear of short-and-thong induced pneumonia! All looks thoroughly lively, fun, and other worldly. Love the pictures (your mad skills are developing, you got the blurred water thing down this time!), posts are good, the details make me laugh! Hope you get the Doolittles job,good luck with all your exams, im all finished, its grandiose :P Keep up the blogging!

    :)'s from beata!
